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home > Hair Pulling / Trichotillomania

Counselling help to stop hair pullingHair Pulling / Trichotillomania



Trichotillomania is a compulsive difficulty that causes people to pull out the hair from different areas of their body, scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic area, underarms, beard, chest, legs or other parts of the body, resulting in noticeable bald patches.

Hair pulling varies greatly in its severity, for some people, trichotillomania is mild and can be quelled with a bit of extra Hair Pulling / Trichotillomaniaawareness and concentration. For others, at times the urge may be very strong, an unconscious urge that becomes part of the individuals daily life.

Most recently, it is being conceptualized as part of a family of "body-focused repetitive behaviours" along with skin picking and nail biting. While the underlying reason is not clearly understood, we do know that people with trichotillomania generally have a neurologically based predisposition to pull their hair as a self-soothing mechanism.

The pulling behaviour serves as a coping mechanism for anxiety and other difficult emotions. It does not hurt and they are not trying to damage themselves. It can be triggered by simple sensory events, such as itchy eyelashes, or by stressful life events, and it can occur quite suddenly.








The Therapy: The presenting issue will be dealt with in a relaxed initial consultation which will allow for all aspects of the therapeutic process to be discussed and all questions answered openly, fully and confidentially.


Lo-Call in Ireland: 1890-273-273 or email  to book an assessment consultation.

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Des offers Therapy counselling sessions for the following issues

Agoraphobia Anxiety Boundaries Claustrophobia Exam Nerves Hair Pulling / Trichotillomania Lack of Motivation Phobias Self – Harm
Alcoholism Bed-Wetting Finding a Partner Insomnia Bulimia Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Nail Biting Projection Separation Anxiety
Anger Bereavement Bullying – Overview Depression Frigidity Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Panic Attacks Impotency Sexual Orientation
Anorexia Blushing Bullying – Teens Dream Interpretation Grief Dependency & Co-Dependency Past Abuse Self – Esteem Stop Smoking

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